Gab De La Vega: a handful of solo shows this spring
From Gab De La Vega:
A handful of solo shows coming up! I am preparing the release of the new album and a few other interesting things, these are some of the shows I will be playing before then. It starts Friday at Arci Bellezza in Milan with Le Capre a Sonagli and Giuditta. I’m looking forward to seeing you there!
31.03 – Milan, Arci Bellezza w/ Le Capre a Sonagli, Giuditta
14.04 – Rodengo Saiano, Alberodonte w/ Greg Rekus, Simone Riccobelli
15.04 – Castiglione D.S, Mondo Bizarro Fest w/ Bad Frog, Animols, Slang Poor Kids, Menagramo, Greg Rekus
16.04 – Verona, Paratodos w/ Greg Rekus
22.04 – Passirano, Curtense w/ Gli Ultimi, Riccobellis
29.04 – Martinengo, Comics Bar w/ Rossodannata
As usual: merch and records available at shows or bit.ly/gabdelavegastore if you want to get yourself some goodies and support my music and tours!