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Epidemic Records welcomes LA ARMADA / Epidemic Records da il benvenuto a LA ARMADA

LA ARMADA joins Epidemic Records to release their new LP in Europe!
Born in the beginning of the 2000s in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), this band moved to Chicago, IL in 2007.
Their new album, called “Anti-Colonial Vol.1”, out via Creep Records (US) and Epidemic Records (Europe), is a call for resistance in reaction to increased visibility and power in the hands of the “alternative right”, religious extremists and white supremacists in the United States and worldwide.
Along with the announcement, La Armada released a video for “Fire”, first single out of the album.

The band said: “The video projects the feeling of isolation and anger that this political climate can produce on those directly affected. The song is a powerhouse punk assault with a heavy Latin-infused breakdown at the end.”

They will be on tour in March with Propagandhi and Iron Chic in the United States and will come back to Europe soon, after an incredible performance at Punk Rock Holiday last year.

European Preorders will start soon via Epidemic Records E-store. >>PREORDER HERE! << The album will be released on 12″ vinyl, to be officially out on March 30th.

La Armada is a mix of wild, sharp and heavy riffs, angry vocals, irresistible breakdowns; a thrash / hardcore / punk crossover with politically meaningful lyrics.
An explosive sound, ready to detonate, for fans of: Propagandhi, Converge, Bad Brains and Sick Of It All!

Read the annoucement on Brooklyn Vegan
Band info:


LA ARMADA entra a far parte di Epidemic Records per l’uscita del loro nuovo LP in Europa!
Nati all’inizio degli anni 2000 a Santo Domingo (Repubblica Dominicana), la band si è trasferita a Chicago (USA) nel 2007.
Il loro nuovo album, intitolato “Anti-Colonial Vol.1”, fuori per Creep Records (US) e Epidemic Records (Europa), è una chiamata alla resistenza, in risposta alla crescente visibilità e forza nelle mani dell”alternative right”, degli estremisti religiosi e dei suprematisti bianchi negli Stati Uniti e nel Mondo.
Insieme all’annuncio, La Armada ha pubblicato il video di “Fire”, primo singolo estratto dall’album.

La band ha detto: “Il video proietta il sentimento di isolamento e rabbia che questo clima politico produce su coloro che ne sono direttamente influenzati. La canzone è un concentrato di rabbia punk con breakdown dai riflessi tipicamente Latinos.”

Saranno in tour a Marzo con Propagandhi e Iron Chic negli Stati Uniti e torneranno presto in Europa, dopo un’incredibile performance al Punk Rock Holiday dell’anno scorso.

I Preorder Europei inizieranno presto, tramite l’E-store Epidemic Records. >>PREORDER HERE! <<  L’album sarà pubblicato su vinile 12″ ed uscirà ufficialmente il 30 Marzo.

La Armada propone un mix di riff selvaggi, affilati e pesanti, voci rabbiose e breakdown irresistibili; un crossover thrash / hardcore / punk con testi politicamente significativi.
Un suono esplosivo, pronto alla detonazione, per fan di: Propagandhi, Converge, Bad Brains e Sick Of It All!

Leggi l’annuncio su Brooklyn Vegan
Band info:


MY TURN: European Tour in February / Tour Europeo a Febbraio


My Turn has announced the dates for their tour in February! / I My Turn hanno annunciato le date del loro tour di Febbraio!

15.02 Cassiopeia | Berlin
16.02 Bandhaus | Leipzig
17.02 Gangviertel | Hamburg
18.02 AJZ | Erfurt
19.02 P8 | Karlsruhe Backbite Records release show
20.02 looking for a show
21.02 Don’t Panic | Essen
22.02 Haus Oestreich | Castrop-Rauxel
23.02 Sonic Ballroom | Cologne
24.02 Kombi | Nünchritz

Listen and get their Self Titled LP at shows or here / Ascolta e prendi una copia del loro Self Titled LP ai concerti o qui:

Band’s page:

Tour Event:


DISAVOW announces Winter Tour Dates. (Eng + Ita)

Disavow Live. Pic Credits: Mangel
[ENG] DISAVOW announces winter tour dates!
The Swedish hardcore punk band is hitting Germany, Czech Republic and Austria for a one-week tour at the end of 2017 / beginning of 2018. They are still looking for a show, on January 1st. Who wants to kick off the new year with a cool show?

Disavow features current members and former members Anchor, Gust, Murderofcrows, Oak and Painted Wolves.
“Half Empty” (Epidemic Records, 2017) has been recorded and mixed by David Zackrisson and mastered by Daniel Husayn at North London Bomb Factory. The artwork has been created by Isabell Kirstinä. Two tracks sees guest vocals by Derek Archambault (Defeater, on “Sick”) and Fredrik Larzon (Millencolin, on “No Devotion”).

Free Shippings until 26.12!:

Tour dates:
29 December: Kiel
30 December: Essen
31 December: Berlin
1 January: NEED HELP!
2 January: Prague
3 January: Vienna
4 January: Erlangen

Band Info:


[ITA] I DISAVOW annunciano le date del tour invernale!
La band hardcore punk Svedese visiterà Germania, Repubblica Ceca e Austria per un tour di una settimana tra la fine del 2017 e l’inizio del 2018. Stanno ancora cercando una data per l’1 Gennaio. Chi vuole iniziare l’anno con una bomba di concerto?

I Disavow vedono tra le proprie fila membri ed ex membri di Anchor, Gust, Murderofcrows, Oak e Painted Wolves.
“Half Empty” è stato registrato e mixato da David Zackrisson e masterizzato da Daniel Husayn al North London Bomb Factory. L’artwork è stato creato da Isabell Kirstinä.
Due tracce vedono apparizioni di ospiti speciali alla voce come Derek Archambault (Defeater, su “Sick”) e Fredrik Larzon (Millencolin, su “No Devotion”).

Spedizioni Gratis fino al 26.12!:

Date del Tour:
29 December: Kiel
30 December: Essen
31 December: Berlin
1 January: NEED HELP!
2 January: Prague
3 January: Vienna
4 January: Erlangen

Band Info:


Free Trackable Shippings! / Spedizioni Tracciabili Gratis!

WORLDWIDE ORDERS (NOT FROM ITALY! Italians, read below!)
Until 26.12.17: FREE Trackable Shippings!
Use code FREESHIPWORLD (for orders from 60 Euro)*
And you won’t have to pay to get your stuff with a tracking code!
Also: First Order? Use code SALE10 to get 10% Off!
Don’t miss Ornaments preorders and all the other Epidemic Records releases!
(*Italy: orders from 40 Euro, code FREESHIPITALY)

Fino al 26.12.17: Spedizioni Tracciabili GRATIS!
Usa il codice FREESHIPITALY (per ordini da 40 Euro in su)**
E non dovrai pagare le spedizioni con numero di tracciatura!
Inoltre: E’ il tuo Primo Ordine? Usa il codice SALE10 per avere uno Sconto del 10%!
Non perdetevi i preorder degli Ornaments e tutte le altre uscite Epidemic Records!
(**World: orders from 60 Euro, code FREESHIPWORLD)

GAB DE LA VEGA: US and Canada tour with Greg Rekus

After sharing the stage multiple times in Europe, Winnipeg’s Greg Rekus and Italian punk rock singer-songwriter Gab De La Vega are going to tour the United States and Canada together in November.

With an acoustic guitar in hand and a giant stomp box under his feet, Greg Rekus is an incredible performer and an unstoppable tour machine, with appearances all over Canada, United States, Mexico and Europe. His latest release, “Sibling Cities” (2017), sees John Paul Peters (Royal Canoe, Comeback Kid, Propagandhi) as engineer/producer, to condense Rekus’ trademark punk rock-infused folk music into one solid album. He will be making his fourth appearance at No Idea Record’s “The Fest” in Gainesville, FL before being joined by Gab De La Vega.

Italian singer-songwriter Gab De La Vega will be touring North America for the first time. He’s a musician with a hardcore punk background and well-rooted in the European DIY scene. Throughout the years he’s toured Europe extensively, from Portugal to Poland, the U.K. to Sweden, from Germany to the Balkans, and he’s opened for Against Me!, Chuck Ragan, Kevin Seconds (7 Seconds), Austin Lucas, Tim Vantol, Ceremony, and many more.
His latest release, I Want Nothing” 7” (2017), is his first studio release with a full band arrangement, a real attempt to come out of his comfort zone.

Greg Rekus and Gab De La Vega will make their way up the East Coast of the United States into Canada, with shows in Quebec and Ontario.

Tour dates:
11.02 – Richmond, VA – House Show
11.03 – Washington, DC – The Pinch
11.04 – Philadelphia, PA – TBA
11.05 – Somerset, NJ – Audio Hub
11.06 – Boston, MA – PA’s Lounge
11.07 – Albany, NY – TBA
11.08 – Burlington, VT – Pingala Cafe
11.09 – Quebec City, QC – Le Knock Out
11.10 – Montreal, QC – Traxide
11.11 – Sherbrooke, QC – Le Murdoch
11.12 – Drummondville, QC – Les Compagnons D’Armes
11.14 – Ottawa, ON – Flapjack’s
11.15 – Peterborough, ON – Red Dog (new venue!)
11.16 – Oshawa, ON – The Atria
11.17 – Toronto, ON – TBA

Greg Rekus:


Gab De La Vega:


Greg Rekus - Gab De La Vega - Tour Poster - resized png

ORNAMENTS: “Drama” finally out on double 12″ vinyl / “Drama” finalmente su doppio vinile 12″.


Ornaments annunce the release of Drama on double 12” vinyl.

The post-rock/instrumental band Ornaments (Italy) announces the release of their album “Drama” on vinyl, thanks to the cooperation between Epidemic Records, Sangue Records and Shove Records.
The album came out in digital and CD format last year, but the three labels are now making it available in an elegant double 12” packaging.

Drama” is a concept album inspired by Aeschylus’ tragedy “Prometheus Bound” and it has already taken the band out for live activities.

The release is scheduled for November 30th. In the meantime, a tour is being booked (by Ben Tellarini, ben.tellarini(at), which is going to take the band all over Italy.



Ornaments annunciano l’uscita di Drama su doppio vinile 12”.

La band post-rock/metal strumentale Ornaments annuncia la pubblicazione dell’album “Drama” su vinile, grazie ad una collaborazione con Epidemic Records, Sangue Records e Shove Records.
Le tre etichette si sono prese incarico di rendere disponibile il disco pubblicato in digitale e CD lo scorso anno, in un elegante packaging doppio 12”.
“Drama” è un concept album ispirato alla tragedia di Eschilo “Il Prometeo Incatenato” e ha già accompagnato la band durante l’attività live.

L’uscita è prevista per il 30 Novembre. Nel frattempo è in corso la programmazione di un tour di date a cura di Ben Tellarini (ben.tellarini(at), che vedrà la band esibirsi in tutta Italia.



Info band:



REGARDE: new single and preorders / nuovo singolo e preorder

Regarde has released a new single out of the new album “Leavers”.
The song is called “Patterns”:

Preorders for the new album are open: with 7 different preorder packs, included a very limited one, which comes with an analogically printed photograph (27×30 cm).
No Reason Booking is taking care of the booking for the new tour; release party is set to be in Vicenza on October 7th.
Preorders are leaving on October 9th.


Regarde pubblicano un nuovo singolo tratto dal nuovo album “Leavers”.
La canzone è intitolata “Patterns:

I Preorder per il nuovo album sono aperti: con 7 diversi pacchetti preorder, incluso una versione veramente limitata, che esce accompagnata da una fotografia stampata anologicamente (27×30 cm).
No Reason Booking si sta occupando del booking del nuovo tour; il release party è previsto per il 7 Ottobre a Vicenza.
I Preorder partiranno il 9 Ottobre.


Preorder Now

GAB DE LA VEGA: “I Want Nothing” video and preorders online

“I Want Nothing” (recorded in May 2017) is Gab De La Vega’s new single. The italian punk-folk-hardcore singer-songwriter worked this time with drummer Marco “Cello” Cellini (previously with Gab in the hardcore punk trio The Smashrooms) and with Simone Piccinelli, who worked on two of his previous LPs (Songs Of Existence and Never Look Back). It’s the first time with a full band arrangement in studio, which Gab defined as “a real attempt to come out of my comfort zone and I feel like I made it with the best of results.

Side B is going to be an acoustic rendition of The Misfits classic “Some Kinda Hate”.

“I Want Nothing” cover picture was taken on a New York metro train during the Summer. Jaden D (who previously worked on Gab’s video for “Against The Grain”) also worked on the music video of “I Want Nothing”, which has been filmed between New York and Toronto.

Preorders are available here:

Also, Gab De La Vega is touring Europe in September, a couple of dates are still available so get in touch if you want to book a show! Copies of the 7” will also be available at these shows or at Epidemic Records, Backbite Records and Vegan Records.

05.09 – D – SCHWÄBISCH GMÜND – Esperanza
06.09 – D – WEIMAR – Gerber 3
07.09 – D – LÜBECK – Unklar
08.09 – DK – FREDERICIA – C-Byen
09.09 – S – GÖTEBORG – Bengans
10.09 – S – ARVIKA – Klubb Motvals
11.09 – S – TRANÅS – Plan B
12.09 – S – JÖNKÖPING – Kulturhuset
13.09 – S – STOCKHOLM – Lava
14.09 – S / DK – BOOK A SHOW! <<<
15.09 – D – KIEL – Subrosa
16.09 – D – LÜDENSCHEID – AJZ Lüdenscheid
17.09 – B – NAMUR – Le Petit Bitu Fête Les Wallos
18.09 – D – TRIER – Mosel Coast WG
19.09 – D – BOCHUM – Neuland
20.09 – D – WITTEN – The Curly Cow
21.09 – D – WUPPERTAL – AZ Wuppertal
22.09 – D / NL / B – BOOK A SHOW! <<<
23.09 – D – DUISBURG – Syntopia
24.09 – D – KARLSRUHE – Club P8

Screen Shot 2017-08-24 at 4.28.00 PM

“I Want Nothing” (registrato a Maggio 2017) è il nuovo singolo di Gab De La Vega. Il singer-songwriter punk rock bresciano questa volta ha collaborato in studio con Marco “Cello” Cellini alla batteria (in precedenza insieme nel trio hardcore punk The Smashrooms) e Simone Piccinelli, che ha già lavorato sui due precedenti LP (Songs Of Existence e Never Look Back).
È la prima volta che lavora su arrangiamenti full band in studio, e Gab l’ha definito “un serio tentativo di uscire dalla mia zona di comfort e mi sento di averlo fatto con il migliore dei risultati.”

Il lato B sarà un’interpretazione in acustico del classico dei Misfits “Some Kinda Hate”.

La foto di copertina di “I Want Nothing” è stata scattata su un treno della metro di New York durante l’Estate. Jaden D (che in precedenza ha già lavorato sul  video di “Against The Grain”) si è occupato anche del video di questa canzone, che è stato filmato tra New York e Toronto.

I preorder sono disponibili qui:

Inoltre, Gab De La Vega sarà in tour in Europa a Settembre, alcune date sono ancora disponibili quindi fatevi sentire se volete fissarne una! Ovviamente anche date in Italia a seguire. Le copie del 7” saranno disponibili anche a questi concerti o tramite Epidemic Records, Backbite Records e Vegan Records.

05.09 – D – SCHWÄBISCH GMÜND – Esperanza
06.09 – D – WEIMAR – Gerber 3
07.09 – D – LÜBECK – Unklar
08.09 – DK – FREDERICIA – C-Byen
09.09 – S – GÖTEBORG – Bengans
10.09 – S – ARVIKA – Klubb Motvals
11.09 – S – TRANÅS – Plan B
12.09 – S – JÖNKÖPING – Kulturhuset
13.09 – S – STOCKHOLM – Lava
14.09 – S / DK – BOOK A SHOW! <<<
15.09 – D – KIEL – Subrosa
16.09 – D – LÜDENSCHEID – AJZ Lüdenscheid
17.09 – B – NAMUR – Le Petit Bitu Fête Les Wallos
18.09 – D – TRIER – Mosel Coast WG
19.09 – D – BOCHUM – Neuland
20.09 – D – WITTEN – The Curly Cow
21.09 – D – WUPPERTAL – AZ Wuppertal
22.09 – D / NL / B – BOOK A SHOW! <<<
23.09 – D – DUISBURG – Syntopia
24.09 – D – KARLSRUHE – Club P8

DISAVOW: Half Empty video and preorders online

DISAVOW premieres the first single out of their new 7″ called “Half Empty”. Six tracks of pure hardcore fury with no compromise.
The band features current members and former members Anchor, Gust, Murderofcrows, Oak and Painted Wolves.
Guest vocals on the record are by Derek Archambault
(Defeater, on “Sick”) and Fredrik Larzon (Millencolin, on “No Devotion”).

Anton, singer in the band commented: “The video for Half Empty is made from videos we filmed and gathered through our first year together. Isabella Kirstinä, the mastermind behind our artwork, put it together in a amazing way!”

PREORDERS are online! >>

Preorder Now1 - Copia


Disavow is about to embark on a tour with Waste:

9/6 – Greifswald – Ju Klex
9/7 – Leipzig – Manfred
9/8 – Essen – Club Panic
9/9 – TBA *
9/10 – Hamburg
9/15 – Stockholm – Gula Villan **
9/16 – Göteborg – Sekten **
9/17 – TBA **

* With Spirit Crusher
** With Primitive Life


DISAVOW on Epidemic Records: Half Empty 7″ announced and European dates

Disavow-Promo-Picture-1-Square - Copia
Epidemic Records welcomes Disavow from Sweden to its family!

The band, based in Gothenburg, has previously released a demo and started touring across Europe right away after that.
This new release is a 7” called “Half Empty”. Six tracks of pure hardcore fury with no compromise.
Harsh, angry and dark, but still as sharp as a razor blade.

Disavow features current members and former members Anchor, Gust, Murderofcrows, Oak and Painted Wolves.
“Half Empty” has been recorded and mixed by David Zackrisson and mastered by Daniel Husayn at North London Bomb Factory. The artwork has been created by Isabell Kirstinä.
Two tracks sees guest vocals by Derek Archambault (Defeater, on “Sick”) and Fredrik Larzon (Millencolin, on “No Devotion”).

The 7” is pressed in only 300 copies: 200 clear and 100 clear with white swirl.

Vinyl preorders are going to be available on Sunday 27th along with a first music video.
The digital release is going to be available via Epidemic Records on Amazon, Deezer, Google Play, Itunes/Apple Music and Spotify; also, on the band’s Bandcamp page.

Disavow is going to leave on tour to promote the record, with shows with Waste, Spirit Crusher and Primitive Life. Info and updates about the tour are here:

9/6 – Greifswald – Ju Klex
9/7 – Leipzig – Manfred
9/8 – Essen – Club Panic
9/9 – TBA *
9/10 – Hamburg
9/15 – Stockholm – Gula Villan **
9/16 – Göteborg – Sekten **
9/17 – TBA **
* With Spirit Crusher
** With Primitive Life

Info band:


Disavow - Half Empty - RGB - Front Cover - Internet Use - RESIZED


Epidemic Records accoglie nella propria famiglia i Disavow dalla Svezia!

La band, originaria di Göteborg, ha già pubblicato un demo e iniziato immediatamente a fare tour in Europa.
Questa nuova uscita è un 7″ intitolato “Half Empty”. Sei tracce di pura furia hardcore senza compromessi.
Duro, rabbioso e oscuro, ma comunque affilato come la lama di un rasoio.

I Disavow vedono tra le proprie fila membri ed ex membri di Anchor, Gust, Murderofcrows, Oak e Painted Wolves.
“Half Empty” è stato registrato e mixato da David Zackrisson e masterizzato da Daniel Husayn al North London Bomb Factory. L’artwork è stato creato da Isabell Kirstinä.
Due tracce vedono apparizioni di ospiti speciali alla voce come Derek Archambault (Defeater, su “Sick”) e Fredrik Larzon (Millencolin, su “No Devotion”).

Il 7″ è stampato in sole 300 copie: 200 trasparenti e 100 trasparenti con venature bianche.

I preorder del vinile saranno disponibili Domenica 27 insieme al primo videoclip.
L’uscita in digitale sarà disponibile tramite Epidemic Records su Amazon, Deezer, Google Play, Itunes/Apple Music and Spotify; inoltre, sarà sulla pagina Bandcamp della band.

I Disavow stanno per partire in tour per promuovere il disco, in date live con Waste, Spirit Crusher e Primitive Life. Info e aggiornamenti sul tour si trovano qui:

9/6 – Greifswald – Ju Klex
9/7 – Leipzig – Manfred
9/8 – Essen – Club Panic
9/9 – TBA *
9/10 – Hamburg
9/15 – Stockholm – Gula Villan **
9/16 – Göteborg – Sekten **
9/17 – TBA **
* con Spirit Crusher
** con Primitive Life

Info band:

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