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BLOWFUSE put out a lyric video right before the release of Daily Ritual.

Blowfuse have just released a new lyric video, “Grand Golden Boy”, only 4 days before the release of their new album, Daily Ritual, which is hitting the streets on February 8th.
Preorders are still open: , in Vinyl (with limited color) or CD!
This is what they said about the song:
“The fastest song of the album, Grand Golden Boy is an ode to fast motion punk rock, a slap in your face to remind you of your inner child. The grand golden boy is that kid we all have trapped inside us, that pure part of us we sometimes forget that dreams on touching the sun and flying high. And although being adults, we can’t forget who we really are, we have to embrace this innocence we all have, otherwise we become living dead.”

Daily Ritual is out via Epidemic Records (ITA), Long Beach Records Europe (GER/AUS/SW), Morning Wood Records (HOL), Paper + Plastick (US), Infected Records (POR),Disconnect Disconnect Records (UK), Melodic Punk Style (POL)


I Blowfuse hanno appena pubblicato un nuovo lyric video “Grand Golden Boy”, a soli 4 giorni dall’imminente uscita del nuovo album, Daily Ritual, che sarà pubblicato l’8 Febbraio.
I Preorder sono ancora aperti:,  in Vinile (con colori limitati) o CD!

Ecco il loro commento della band alla canzone:
“Il brano più veloce del disco, “Grand Golden Boy” è un’ode al punk rock più sparato, uno schiaffo in faccia per ricordarci del nostro “bambino interiore”. Il “Grand Golden Boy” è quel ragazzino che abbiamo intrappolato dentro noi stessi, quella parte pura che si dimentica di sognare di toccare il sole e volare alto. E sebbene adulti, non possiamo dimenticarci di chi siamo, dobbiamo abbracciare questa innocenza che tutti abbiamo, altrimenti diventeremo dei morti viventi”.

Daily Ritual esce per Epidemic Records (ITA), Long Beach Records Europe (GER/AUS/SW), Morning Wood Records (HOL), Paper + Plastick (US), Infected Records (POR), Disconnect Disconnect Records (UK), Melodic Punk Style (POL)

BLOWFUSE: “Angry John” video and Preorder!

Blowfuse has just released an amazing one-shot video for their second single “Angry John”, out of their upcoming album “Daily Ritual”, to be out February 8th.

“Angry John” follows the first single “Bad Thoughts”; both songs reveal the catchy sound of the band’s new album.

Preorders have started; Epidemic Records is taking care of the release in Italy and made 9 different bundles available here:

Other partners are: Long Beach Records Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), Paper + Plastick (US), HFMN CREW (Spain), Morning Wood Records (Holland), Disconnect Disconnect Records (UK), Infected Records (Portugal), Melodic Punk Style (Poland).

The band commented the song: “What you will hear is an ‘old school’ punk rock song from head to toe: Frenetic rythmic guitars, ‘in your face’ drum beats, a catchy melodic chorus & Oscar’s restless voice are the ingredients for this song that deals with anxiety. Not only it critizes the obsession of people for talking too much and throwing their problems to others, but also the love for simply being angry with life and the anxiety that provokes.

Everyone has to deal with that ‘John’ once in a lifetime, he’s a reflection of selfish society where blaming the neighbour is the easiest way to justify our misfortunes, instead of facing our own problems from the start.”


Blowfuse hanno appena pubblicato uno spettacolare video “one-shot” per il loro secondo singolo “Angry John” tratto dal loro album “Daily Ritual”, in uscita l’8 Febbraio.”
“Angry John” segue il primo singolo “Bad Thoughts”; entrambi i brani rivelano il piglio melodico del sound del nuovo disco della band.

Nel frattempo, i Preorder sono iniziati; Epidemic Records si sta occupando dell’uscita in Italia e ha reso disponibili 9 pacchetti preorder:

Gli altri partner sono: Long Beach Records Europe (Germania, Austria, Svizzera), Paper + Plastick (USA), HFMN CREW (Spagna), Morning Wood Records (Olanda), Disconnect Disconnect Records (UK), Infected Records (Portogallo), Melodic Punk Style (Polonia).

Il gruppo ha commentato il brano:

“Ciò che sentirete è una canzone punk rock “old school” dall’inizio alla fine: Ritmi frenetici di chitarra, batteria sparata in faccia, ritornelli melodici orecchiabili e la voce di Oscar come ingredienti di questo brano che parla chiaramente di ansia. Non solo critica l’ossessione della gente a parlare troppo e a scaricare i propri problemi sugli altri, ma la voglia insensata di essere sempre arrabbiati e l’ansia che provoca.
Tutti devono avere a che fare con un “John” di questo tipo nella propria vita; è un riflesso della società egoista in cui incolpare il prossimo è la cosa più facile da fare per giustificare le nostre sfortune, invece di affrontare i problemi dal principio”.

Free Trackable Shippings all December! / Spedizioni Tracciabili Gratis tutto Dicembre!

WORLDWIDE ORDERS (NOT FROM ITALY! Italians, read below!)
All December! Until 31.12.18: FREE Trackable Shippings!
Use code FREESHIPWORLD (for orders from 80 Euro)*
And you won’t have to pay to get your stuff with a tracking code!
Also: First Order? Use code SALE10 to get 10% Off!
(*Italy: orders from 50 Euro, code FREESHIPITALY)

Tutto Dicembre! Fino al 31.12.18: Spedizioni Tracciabili GRATIS!
Usa il codice FREESHIPITALY (per ordini da 50 Euro in su)**
E non dovrai pagare le spedizioni con numero di tracciatura!
Inoltre: E’ il tuo Primo Ordine? Usa il codice SALE10 per avere uno Sconto del 10%!
(**World: orders from 80 Euro, code FREESHIPWORLD)

BLOWFUSE “Bad Thoughts” video reveals the amazing sound of their new album

Blowfuse has just released their first single from the upcoming album “Daily Ritual”, to be out in February 2019.
“Bad Thoughts” comes with an amazing video directed by Albert Puig, Miquel Soler and the band.

Blowfuse said: ” Bad Thoughts is the first single from our upcoming album ‘Daily Ritual’, coming out on February 8th.
Mixing the old and the new, we present this single in which we have found a singular style combining groove and agressiveness with strong melodies, with Punk Rock and Hardcore as its roots, but taking it to a new step.
We wanted to highlight ‘Bad Thoughts’ since it deals about the real war inside us. Bad thoughts is a journey to the inside of your minds; a prison where thoughts find themselves in a constant struggle for domination. It symbolizes the feeling of being drowned in negativity and how these thoughts can control our lives if we don’t face them.
With this video we encourage people to keep fighting against the true enemy, oneself. All this is represented with a song predominated by Sergi’s powerful guitar riffs, Oscar’s cutting voice, Vic’s groovy bass lines & Richard’s feroucious drum beats. “

The album is the fruit of a the cooperation of international labels, such as: HFMN Crew (SPA), Long Beach Record Europe (GER/AUS/SW), Morning Wood Records (HOL), Paper + Plastick Records (US), Epidemic Records (ITA), Infected Records (POR), Disconnect Disconnect Records (UK), Melodic Punk Style (POL).

Blowfuse is already booking shows and tours for 2019. Keep an eye out and don’t miss this album and this band!



I Blowfuse hanno appena pubblicato il loro primo singolo dall’album di prossima uscita “Daily Ritual”, che sarà disponibile da Febbraio 2019.
“Bad Thoughts” esce con un video spettacolare, diretto da Albert Puig, Miquel Soler e dalla band.

I Blowfuse commentano: ” Bad Thoughts è il primo singolo tratto dall’album “Daily Ritual”, in uscita l’8 Febbraio 2018.
Mescolando il vecchio con il nuovo, presentiamo questo singolo in cui abbiamo trovato uno stile unico, che combina il groove e l’aggressività con melodie forti, con il Punk Rock e l’Hardcore come radici, ma portando tutto ad un gradino successivo.
Volevamo sottolineare “Bad Thoughts” in quanto tratta della guerra interiore, dentro ognuno di noi. “Bad Thoughts” è un viaggio nella tua mente, una prigione dove i pensieri si trovano in costante lotta per il dominio. Simboleggia la sensazione di sentirsi affogare nella negatività e come questi pensieri possano controllare le nostre vite se non li affrontiamo.
Con questo video incoraggiamo le persone a continuare a lottare contro il vero nemico, noi stessi. Tutto questo viene rappresentato da una canzone dominata dai potenti riff di chitarra di Sergi, dalla voce tagliente di Oscar, dalle linee di basso molto groovy di Vic e dalle martellate di batteria di Richard.”

L’album è il frutto della collaborazione di etichette internazionali come: HFMN Crew (SPA), Long Beach Record Europe (GER/AUS/SW), Morning Wood Records (HOL), Paper + Plastick Records (US), Epidemic Records (ITA), Infected Records (POR), Disconnect Disconnect Records (UK), Melodic Punk Style (POL).

I Blowfuse stanno già fissando date e tour per il 2019. Occhi aperti e non perdetevi questa band e questo disco!

BLOWFUSE “Daily Ritual” is Epidemic Records first release in 2019.

[ENG] #EPID046 – Stoked to announce our first release in 2019!
Please welcome Blowfuse from Barcelona!
If you like Skate Punk / Melodic Hardcore and 90s Heavy Rock Vibes… you’re gonna love their new album “Daily Ritual”!
They have just returned from their first Japanese tour and they are as pumped as we are about this new chapter!
Official Release Date: February 8th 2019
It’s going to be out via Epidemic Records in Italy and through these other partners in crime in their territories:
Long Beach Records (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), Paper + Plastick Records (US), HFMN Crew (Spain), Morning Wood Records (Holland), Disconnected Disconnect Records (UK), Infected Records (Portugal), Melodic Punk Style (Poland).
Stay tuned for more news! Mark November 15th on your calendar, first video “Bad Thoughts” is premiered that day!
Photo by Miquel Arnal
#DailyRitual #Blowfuse #TheSpiralStrikesBack

#EPID046 – Super presi bene nell’annunciare la prima uscita del 2019!

Date il benvenuto ai Blowfuse da Barcellona!
Se vi piace lo Skate Punk / Hardcore Melodico e quel tocco Heavy Rock anni 90… vi innamorerete del loro nuovo album “Daily Ritual”!
Sono appena rientrati dal loro primo tour in Giappone e sono gasati almeno quanto noi per questo nuovo capitolo!
Data di uscita ufficiale: 8 Febbraio 2019
Uscirà per Epidemic Records in Italia e per questi altri complici nei loro rispettivi territori: Long Beach Records (Germania, Austria, Svizzera), Paper + Plastick Records (USA), HFMN Crew (Spagna), Morning Wood Records (Olanda), Disconnected Disconnect Records (UK), Infected Records (Portogallo), Melodic Punk Style (Polonia).
Occhi aperti che arrivano altre novità!
Segnatevi il 15 Novembre sul calendario: ci sarà la premiere del primo video “Bad Thoughts”!
Foto di Miquel Arnal
#DailyRitual #Blowfuse #TheSpiralStrikesBack
Credits: Jimmypux

DISCOMFORT announces new tour dates, including Bloodshed Fest.

September is going to be as hot as fire for Discomfort! They are going to take their new album “Fear” on tour across Europe once again.
First appearence will be at the notorious Bloodshed Fest in Eindhoven (NL), where they’ll share the stage with some of the best heavy bands around (including our Fredag den 13:e).

“Fear” came out last May and it’s definitely one of the best heavy album in 2018.
Vinyl / CD:


Tour dates:
15/09 Eindhoven – Bloodshed Fest
25/09 Kranj – Trainstation Subart
26/09 Budapest – Dürer Kert
27/09 TBA
28/09 Vorarlberg – Between In Bregenz
29/09 Tübingen – 5 Years of Blastphemy Featival
30/09 TBA

Another chapter in the amazing MARNERO saga: new album out in October.

Marnero from Bologna (Italy) is an amazing four piece band. Their debut was a split with Sinosedesis, before opening their monumental concept saga, which has seen, until now, three chapters: “Naufragio Universale” (2010), “Il Sopravvissuto” (2013) and “La Malora” (2016).
It’s time for a new chapter: “Quando Vedrai Le Navi In Fiamme Sarà Giunta L’Ora”, to be out in October 2018 via Epidemic Records, Sangue Dischi, Dischi Bervisti, To Lose La Track, Shove Records, Sonatine Produzioni, Controcanti (Vinyl and CD). A cooperation between all these Italian labels, which have a long history of friendship and shared values with the band.

To launch the preorders (run directly by the band itself at this link: ), Marnero has released the video for the first single out of what is going to be their masterpiece: “A.C.H.A.B.”

Marnero is playing a bunch of shows in the first months from the release:
30.09.18 Krakatoa, Tpo, Bologna
12.10.18 Arci Artigiana, Fano
13.10.18 Stella Nera, Modena
20.10.18 Gotr Fest, Misano(Rn)
31.10.18 Scugnizzo Liberato, Napoli
01.11.18 LaMancha, Ruvo di Puglia (Ba)
02.11.18 Scumm, Pescara
03.11.18 Trecentosessantagradi, Marci su Roma Fest, Roma
04.11.18 Free Ride, Perugia
10.11.18 Controsenso, Prato
30.11.18 Arci Scuotivento, Monza
01.12.18 Buridda, Genova (TBA)

Info about Marnero:

The record is going to be available at from October 8th.

I Marnero da Bologna sono una band incredibile. Il loro debutto è stato uno split con i Sinosedesis, prima di iniziare la loro monumentale saga “concept”, che ha visto fino ad oggi, tre capitoli: “Naufragio Universale” (2010), “Il Sopravvissuto” (2013) e “La Malora” (2016).
E’ tempo di scriverne uno nuovo: “Quando Vedrai Le Navi In Fiamme Sarà Giunta L’Ora”, che uscirà in Ottobre 2018 su Epidemic Records, Sangue Dischi, Dischi Bervisti, To Lose La Track, Shove Records, Sonatine Produzioni, Controcanti (Vinile e CD). Una collaborazione tra tutte queste etichette italiane, che hanno una lunga storia di amicizia e valori condivisi con il gruppo.

Per il lancio dei preorder (gestito direttamente dalla band a questo link: ), i Marnero hanno pubblicato il video del primo singolo tratto dal quello che è destinato ad essere il loro capolavoro: “A.C.H.A.B.”

I Marnero saranno impegnati con date in tutta Italia nei primi mesi dall’uscita del disco.
30.09.18 Krakatoa, Tpo, Bologna
12.10.18 Arci Artigiana, Fano
13.10.18 Stella Nera, Modena
20.10.18 Gotr Fest, Misano(Rn)
31.10.18 Scugnizzo Liberato, Napoli
01.11.18 LaMancha, Ruvo di Puglia (Ba)
02.11.18 Scumm, Pescara
03.11.18 Trecentosessantagradi, Marci su Roma Fest, Roma
04.11.18 Free Ride, Perugia
10.11.18 Controsenso, Prato
30.11.18 Arci Scuotivento, Monza
01.12.18 Buridda, Genova (TBA)

Info sui Marnero:

Il disco sarà disponibile su a partire dall’8 Ottobre.

GAB DE LA VEGA: South American Tour with Forsaken in September.

Singer-songwriter Gab De La Vega is touring Chile and Argentina in September. Dates with Santiago-based Forsaken have been announced.
After several European tours and a US / Canada tour last November, this is his first time in South America.

Gab De La Vega released a new single in September 2017 called “I Want Nothing”, which b-side is an acoustic cover of Some Kinda Hate by The Misfits.
The single came out with a video by Jaden D, shot between Toronto and New York in the summer of the same year.

I Want Nothing:

Forsaken is a hardcore band from Santiago de Chile with many tours in South America under their belts; they also toured Europe a few years ago. This tour is to promote their latest work “Manifesto”.


Tour Dates:
14.09 – CHL – Santiago
15.09 – CHL – Valparaiso
16.09 – CHL – Santiago
17.09 – CHL – Santiago
18.09 – CHL – Santiago
19.09 – ARG – Mendoza (TBC)
20.09 – ARG – Cordoba
21.09 – ARG – Rosario
22.09 – ARG – Santa Fe
23.09 – ARG – Mar Del Plata
27.09 – ARG – Buenos Aires
28.09 – ARG – Buenos Aires
29.09 – ARG – Buenos Aires
30.09 – ARG – Buenos Aires

Gab De La Vega recently announced that he’s going to hit the studio before the end of the year. He’s working on new songs with drummer Marco “Cello” Cellini (which played drums with him in The Smashrooms). A new album should see the light in Spring 2019.

WILD ANIMALS to tour the USA for the first time for two weeks on the West Coast.

Wild Animals is leaving Madrid for the USA in September. This explosive punk rock trio has already conquered the hearts of half Europe and Japan with their signature fuzzy melodic punk and it’s now ready to set California, Oregon, Washington State and Nevada on fire!

They have just released their third album, “The Hoax” (ORDER HERE!), which confirms the band’s potential. Great songwriting and lively performances made this band one of the most amusing in Europe. They are going to show what they got along the West Coast:

09/02 Pomona, CA – Characters
09/03 TBC
09/04 Santa Barbara, CA – Central Library Faulkner Gallery
09/05 Santa Cruz, CA – Subrosa
09/06 Berkeley, CA – 924 Gilman
09/07 TBC
09/08 Portland, OR – Firken
09/09 Seattle, WA – Black Lodge
09/10 Olympia, WA – Le Voyuer *
09/12 Sacramento, CA – TBC
09/13 Fresno, CA – TBC
09/14 Las Vegas, NV – Dru’s Shawteau (House show)
09/15 San Diego, CA – Gym Standard
09/16 Fullerton, CA – Riff Mountain

*The venue for this show is booked but the promoter can’t do the show, if you know anyone that would like to help or have a band that want to play, please write the band!

Don’t miss them if you live in one of these cities! They are absolutely amazing!

Full Streaming:

Poster by: Éric Bricka.

FREDAG DEN 13:E announces European tour dates.

The Scandinavian metal-punk beast Fredag Den 13:e is ready to set Europe on Fire!
With their new album (Dystopisk Utsikt, order HERE), Fredag Den 13:e is demonstrating that Sweden is still capable of great records of heavy music for punk, metalheads and hardcore kids.

Tour dates are:
Göteborg SE 17-aug – Kulturkalaset
Malmö SE 24-aug
Oldenburg DE 25-aug – Kill The Plastic Smile Fest
Tübingen DE 26-aug
Nancy FR 27-aug
Marseille FR 28-aug
Zürich CH 29-aug
Prague CZ 30-aug
Dresden DE 31-aug – Paranoya Fest
Gdynia PL 01-sep
Flensburg DE 13-sep
Eindhoven NL 14-sep –
Bloodshed Fest
Hamburg DE 15-sep

Don’t miss the opportunity to see this incredible band live!
Full streaming and digital here:

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