DISCOMFORT announces their Third Album “Fear” via Epidemic Records. / Terzo album “Fear” su Epidemic Records.
[ENG] DISCOMFORT announces their Third Album “Fear” via Epidemic Records.
Discomfort has announced the release of their third album, called “Fear”.
Following their split with US False Light, “Fear” is a roaring beast of shredding riffs, harsh vocals and devastating drums.
Discomfort worked in the studio with Maurizio Baggio at La Distilleria, and cooperated with Servadio on the artwork.
This new chapter sees guest vocals of Marco Coslovich (The Secret) and also Patrick Thomas and Issy Varoumas (False Light).
The album is going to be released on vinyl and digital by Epidemic Records and release date has been set to be April 27th. Preorders will start in March.
Stay tuned… You have no idea what’s coming for you!
[ITA] DISCOMFORT annunciano il loro Terzo Album “Fear” su Epidemic Records.
I Discomfort hanno annunciato l’uscita del loro terzo album, intitolato “Fear”.
“Fear” segue lo split con gli Americani False Light ed è una belva rabbiosa fatta di riff affilatissimi, voci infernali e batteria devastante.
I Discomfort hanno lavorato in studio con Maurizio Baggio a La Distilleria e hanno cooperato con Servadio per la creazione dell’artwork.
Questo nuovo capitolo vede ospiti alla voce Marco Coslovich (The Secret) così come Patrick Thomas e Issy Varoumas (False Light).
L’album uscirà in vinile e digitale per Epidemic Records e la data d’uscita è fissata per il 27 Aprile. I Preorder partiranno a Marzo.
Restate sintonizzati… Non avete idea di cosa stia venendo a cercarvi!
Info band: https://www.facebook.com/Discomfortsquad/
Records and merch: https://www.epidemicrecords.net/store/23-discomfort