MY TURN: “Shield”, new videoclip from upcoming album.
[ENG] Greek hardcore masters MY TURN unveil their first video out of their new Self Titled LP.
The video for the opening track “Shield” is directed by Yannis Karidas.
The album, released by Epidemic Records, Backbite Records and World’s Appreciated Kitsch, is hitting the streets this Summer (August 19th).
The band is already announcing shows and tours both in Greece and in Europe.
Preorders will be available soon via www.epidemicrecords.net
[ITA] I padroni indiscussi dell’hardcore targato Grecia MY TURN svelano il loro primo video tratto dal nuovo LP omonimo.
Il video per la traccia d’apertura “Shield” è diretto da Yannis Karidas.
L’album, pubblicato da Epidemic Records, Backbite Records e World’s Appreciated Kitsch, uscirà questa Estate, il 19 Agosto.
La band sta già annunciando concerti e tour sia in Grecia che in Europa.
I Preorder saranno resi disponibili presto sul sito www.epidemicrecords.net
Info band:
Stream the full album: https://myturn.bandcamp.com/album/s-t-lp
Previous releases are available here: www.epidemicrecords.net/store/42-my-turn