WILD ANIMALS: new album full streaming / streaming completo del nuovo album
[ENG] Spanish punk rockers WILD ANIMALS have just released their new album “Basements: Music To Fight Hypocrisy” for full streaming!
Check it out here: http://www.idioteq.com/spanish-diy-punk-rockers-from-wild-animals-premiere-new-album/
If you want to preorder the vinyl (gatefold cover, 6 colored vinyl available for the first 6 preorders!), follow this link!
4 preorder packs, save money and support this awesome band (and this awesome label too!)
The album will be out for the summer and the band is working on a European tour: https://www.facebook.com/events/241831712829383/
If you love punk rock, melodies and bands such as RVIVR, Hüsker Dü and Dinosaur Jr, don’t miss this amazing power trio!
[ITA] I punk rocker spagnoli WILD ANIMALS hanno appena pubblicato il loro nuovo album “Basements: Music To Fight Hypocrisy” in streaming completo!
Ascoltatelo qui: http://www.idioteq.com/spanish-diy-punk-rockers-from-wild-animals-premiere-new-album/
Se volete preordinare il vinile (copertina gatefold, 6 vinili colorati disponibili per i primi 6 preorder!), seguite questo link!
4 pacchetti preorder, risparmiate e supportate questa ottima band (e questa ottima etichetta, ovviamente!)
L’album uscirà per l’estate e la band sta lavorando ad un tour Europeo: https://www.facebook.com/events/241831712829383/
Se amate il punk rock, le melodie e le band come i RVIVR, gli Hüsker Dü e i Dinosaur Jr, non perdetevi questo spettacolare power trio!