LEFT IN RUINS European Summer Tour kicks off on June 13th!
The italian hardcore band is warming up for a full European tour, which is starting on June 13th!
Left In Ruins is playing Slovenia, Germany, France, Austria, Italy and Belgium this summer, sharing the stage with bands such as Full Of Hell, Rotting Out, Birds In Row, The Mob and B’last.
A few months after the release of the album “Ghost” (Epidemic Records, Per Koro Records, Ruins Records), the guys in Left In Ruins are looking forward to this European tour, ready to confirm the maturity reached with this release.
Don’t miss the chance to watch these guys play! Take a look at the tour dates!
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/231156460423723/
Tour Warm-Up:
13.6 Nova Gorica (Sl) / Mostovna / Out Of Step Fest
14.6 Lubjiana (Sl) / Club Gromka
15.6 Koper (Sl) / Mksm Koper
Tour pt.1:
20.6 Erlangen (De) / Jugendhaus Erlangen
21.6 Krumpa (De) / What The Fuck Festival (early show)
21.6 Leipzig (De) / Sto w/ Annotation (late show)
22.6 Berlin (De) house show in the afternoon
22.6 Berlin (De) / Bei Ruth (late show)
23.6 Hamburg (De) / Rote Flora
24.6 Dresden (De) / Chemiefabrik
25.6 Giessen (De) / Ak 44
26.6 Munster (De) / Baracke / Cry Me A River Warm-Up
27.6 Paris (Fr) / La Flèche d’ Or / OTB Fest
28.6 Strasbourg (Fr) / Le Molodoi / DCT Fest
29.6 Innsbruck (A) / PMK
30.6 Bologna (Ita) / Freakout Club
01.7 Milano (Ita) / Lo-Fi
10.7 Bolzano (Ita) / Vox Hole
12.7 Herrenberg (De) / JuHa Herrenber / New Direction Festival V
13.7 Munchen (De) / Kafe Kult
14.8 Nurember (De)
15.8 Bad Kissingen (De) / JuKuz Bad Kissingen
16.8 Gent (Be) Astrodon Ceratops Atrociraptor Brontosaurus Fest