Left In Ruins: new video online
Left In Ruins, newcomer in the Epidemic Records family, has just released a video for their song “I’m Bored”.
The song is taken from their new work “Ghost”, released by Epidemic Records, Per Koro Records and Ruins Records.
Mario at Ruins Records is the guy who developed the video, which premiere has been featured on Idioteq.com
From Idioteq.com:
Olly from Left In Ruins gave us this exclusive commentary about the video:
In the society we live in, we are often driven to seek our identity behind flags, symbols or slogans.
“I’m Bored” is about the time when you understand that everything you were following is meaningless and you easily get bored by hearing always the same words.
The video was shooted in Slovenia (our friends Crop Circles’ practice room) by Piff and Slavio and edited by Mario of Ruins Records.
Asked about “what’s up at their camp”, he added:
We are on a short break till May ’cause Piff is in India taking inspiration for a new LIR record. In Summer we will go on tour again.
See you on the road!