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List of products by manufacturer I For Us Records

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items
  • Never Look Back is Gab De La Vega's second album. It features ten new songs and a rendition of a Hüsker Dü classic. The record reflects the influence of Gab's hardcore and punk background and opens up to a folk atmosphere and many hints to other sounds; an album drenched with emotions, intensity and passion.Gab De La Vega lives and encourages veganism and...

    10,00 €
    In Stock
  • Together mixes up heavy sounds, desperate vocals and melodic riffs. Energetic music and personal lyrics. Fans of Defeater and the likes will love this band.

    8,00 €
    In Stock
  • Three years after their well acclaimed "Today Is Mine" EP, it's finally time for Fire At Will's first full-lenght album featuring ten brand new songs! A perfect mix of melodic punk-rock and old-school hardcore influenced by classic bands like Bane, Strike Anywhere, Good Riddance and Comeback Kid.

    8,00 €
    In Stock
  • Belgian band playing metal mixed with hardcore. For fans of The Black Dahlia Murder, The Faceless and The Red Chord. Produced by Aborted's Sven Janssens.

    7,00 € 8,00 €
    In Stock
  • Nine Eleven (France) is known for their cool modern hardcore sound and their smart lyrics. Definitely one of the best hardcore band in Europe at the moment.

    8,00 €
    In Stock
  • Metallic and heavy hardcore punk from Belgium. Sharp riffs, harsh drumming and angry vocals.

    2,00 € 8,00 €
    In Stock
  • Daggers, from Belgium. Heavy hardcore with a dark vein.

    5,00 € 8,00 €
    In Stock
  • Traces Of You is a five piece hardcore metal band based in Milan (Italy). Their sound reminds of some aggressive and bursting metal riffs, mixed with the intense energy of hardcore vibes, all combined with screaming, burning, touching and passionate vocals. Profound and sincere lyrics distinguish them from your typical metal bands. For fans of Killswitch...

    5,00 € 8,00 €
    In Stock
  • This swedish band plays a good mix of sounds that come from Tragedy, The Hope Conspiracy and From Ashes Rise.

    2,00 € 8,00 €
    In Stock
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items

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