DISAVOW announces Winter Tour Dates. (Eng + Ita)
The Swedish hardcore punk band is hitting Germany, Czech Republic and Austria for a one-week tour at the end of 2017 / beginning of 2018. They are still looking for a show, on January 1st. Who wants to kick off the new year with a cool show?
“Half Empty” (Epidemic Records, 2017) has been recorded and mixed by David Zackrisson and mastered by Daniel Husayn at North London Bomb Factory. The artwork has been created by Isabell Kirstinä. Two tracks sees guest vocals by Derek Archambault (Defeater, on “Sick”) and Fredrik Larzon (Millencolin, on “No Devotion”).
Listen: https://goo.gl/K1aBjZ
Itunes: https://goo.gl/mzg25t
Vinyl: https://goo.gl/ZEvbgb
Free Shippings until 26.12!: https://goo.gl/NwCx9E
Tour dates:
29 December: Kiel
30 December: Essen
31 December: Berlin
1 January: NEED HELP!
2 January: Prague
3 January: Vienna
4 January: Erlangen
Band Info: www.facebook.com/disavowhardcore
[ITA] I DISAVOW annunciano le date del tour invernale!
La band hardcore punk Svedese visiterà Germania, Repubblica Ceca e Austria per un tour di una settimana tra la fine del 2017 e l’inizio del 2018. Stanno ancora cercando una data per l’1 Gennaio. Chi vuole iniziare l’anno con una bomba di concerto?
I Disavow vedono tra le proprie fila membri ed ex membri di Anchor, Gust, Murderofcrows, Oak e Painted Wolves.
“Half Empty” è stato registrato e mixato da David Zackrisson e masterizzato da Daniel Husayn al North London Bomb Factory. L’artwork è stato creato da Isabell Kirstinä.
Due tracce vedono apparizioni di ospiti speciali alla voce come Derek Archambault (Defeater, su “Sick”) e Fredrik Larzon (Millencolin, su “No Devotion”).
Ascolta: https://goo.gl/K1aBjZ
Itunes: https://goo.gl/mzg25t
Vinile: https://goo.gl/ZEvbgb
Spedizioni Gratis fino al 26.12!: https://goo.gl/NwCx9E
Date del Tour:
29 December: Kiel
30 December: Essen
31 December: Berlin
1 January: NEED HELP!
2 January: Prague
3 January: Vienna
4 January: Erlangen
Band Info: www.facebook.com/disavowhardcore